Grading and such

As of right now.








It will not be that way tomorrow, but YESSSSSSS.


Grades are due this week and then Spring Break is upon us. Now for just three more days with students and a bit more grading.


I’m sorry for not writing enough in my slices. I need to write more, or better, or more (or earlier?). bah #disappointed

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6 Responses to Grading and such

  1. Lisa says:

    Grading is kind of like laundry. Just when it seems that it is all finished, someone throws a sock on the floor, or changes into comfy pants, or math quiz day arrives.

  2. tammyyoga says:

    My spring break was last week, so I can relate to getting the grading done! And the overwhelming feeling of so much today. But it’s all worth it when you get that time off!

  3. spillarke says:

    Yay! I got to that grading summit yesterday too. No apologies for the writing. You do what you can do. It is all sandbox and swing sets this writing play.

  4. Beth says:

    The short writing is what you do each day to call yourself a writer…we write when it’s hard…we don’t have the time…etc…love you!

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